微信小程序> 微信小程序——转盘抽奖


浏览量:4146 时间: 来源:zhanjinfeng



<view class="canvas-container" style='margin:0 auto;'>      <view animation="{{animationData}}" class="canvas-content" style='margin:0 auto;'>        <canvas style="width: 300px; height: 300px; margin:0 auto;" class="canvas-element" canvas-id="lotteryCanvas"></canvas>        <view class="canvas-line">          <view class="canvas-litem" wx:for="{{awardsList}}" wx:key="unique" style="-webkit-transform: rotate({{item.lineTurn}});transform: rotate({{item.lineTurn}})"></view>        </view>         <view class="canvas-list">          <view class="canvas-item" wx:for="{{awardsList}}" wx:key="unique">            <view class="canvas-item-text" style="-webkit-transform: rotate({{item.turn}});transform: rotate({{item.turn}})">              <text class='canvas-item-text-inner {{scale===1.4?"btnfont":"normal"}}'> {{item.award}}</text>            </view>          </view>        </view>        </view>       <view class="{{scale===1.4?'btnfont':'normal'}} canvas-btn {{turning?disabled:able}} {{chanceRemain==0?disabled:able}}"></view>     </view>


/**   * 抽奖处理函数:   */  getLottery: function () {    var that = this;    if (that.data.count < 5) {   //判断用户钻石数量是否大于等于5      that.setData({        isShare: true      })      return     }     //减少钻石数量:    this.setData({      count:that.data.count-5,      turning:true    });    setTimeout(function(){      that.setData({        turning:false      })    },4500)    var cot = that.data.count    // var awardIndex = Math.random() * 6 >>> 0;    // 获取奖品配置    var awardsConfig = app.awardsConfig,        runNum = 4,        awardIndex=0;    // if (awardIndex < 2) awardsConfig.chance = false    // console.log(awardIndex)    //设置概率:随机从数组中抽取一个数,数组中越大的数出现的次数越少,以此实现概率差异    var Parr = [150, 140, 100, 100, 60, 60, 60, 30, 30, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2];    var PrandomNum = Math.random() * 78 >>> 0;    switch (Parr[PrandomNum]){      case 2:        awardIndex = 1        break      case 5:        awardIndex = 0        break      case 10:        awardIndex = 2        break      case 30:        awardIndex = 3        break      case 60:        awardIndex = 4        break      case 100:        awardIndex = 5        break      case 150:        awardIndex = 6        break    }    console.log("奖品序号:"+awardIndex);    // 旋转抽奖    app.runDegs = app.runDegs || 0    console.log('deg', app.runDegs)    app.runDegs = app.runDegs + (360 - app.runDegs % 360) + (360 * runNum - awardIndex * (360 / 7))    console.log('deg', app.runDegs)    var animationRun = wx.createAnimation({      duration: 4000,      timingFunction: 'ease'    })    that.animationRun = animationRun    animationRun.rotate(app.runDegs).step()    that.setData({      animationData: animationRun.export()    })     // 记录奖品    var winAwards = wx.getStorageSync('winAwards') || {data:[]}    winAwards.data.push(awardsConfig.awards[awardIndex].name + '1个')    wx.setStorageSync('winAwards', winAwards)    // 中奖提示    setTimeout(function() {      if(awardIndex == 0){        that.setData({          isHongbao: true        })        hongbao = Math.random().toFixed(4)      } else if(awardIndex == 1){          that.togglePopup3()      } else if(awardIndex == 2){        wx.showModal({          title: '恭喜',          content: '您获得10钻石',          showCancel: false        })        let timer = setInterval(function(){            that.setData({            count: that.data.count + 1          })          let a = parseInt(that.data.count - cot)          if(a==10){            clearInterval(timer)          }        },50)              } else if(awardIndex == 3){        that.setData({          isShare: true        })        return      } else if(awardIndex == 4){        wx.showModal({          title: '恭喜',          content: '您获得宝箱',          showCancel: false        })      }else if(awardIndex == 5){        wx.showModal({          title: '恭喜',          content: '您获得1元红包已存入账户',          showCancel: false        })        let m = parseFloat(parseFloat(that.data.money) + 1).toFixed(4)        that.setData({          money: m        })      } else{        wx.showModal({          title: '恭喜',          content: '您获得5元红包已存入账户',          showCancel: false        })        let m = parseFloat(parseFloat(that.data.money) + 5).toFixed(4)        that.setData({          money: m        })      }    }, 4000);  },onReady: function (e) {    var that = this;    wx.getSystemInfo({      success: function(res) {        that.setData({        contentHeight:res.windowHeight        });        if(res.windowWidth<360){          that.setData({            scale:0.9          })        }else if(res.windowWidth>500){          that.setData({            scale: 1.4          })        }      },    })    // getAwardsConfig    app.awardsConfig = {      count: 50,      awards:[        { 'index': 0, 'name': '随机红包'},        { 'index': 1, 'name': '幸运奖'},        { 'index': 2, 'name': '10钻'},        { 'index': 3, 'name': '大量钻石'},        { 'index': 4, 'name': '宝箱'},        { 'index': 5, 'name': '1元红包' },        { 'index': 6, 'name': '5元红包'}      ]    }        // wx.setStorageSync('awardsConfig', JSON.stringify(awardsConfig))    that.setData({      count: app.awardsConfig.count    })    // 绘制转盘    var awardsConfig = app.awardsConfig.awards,        len = awardsConfig.length,        rotateDeg = 360 / len / 2 + 90,        html = [],        turnNum = 1 / len;  // 文字旋转 turn 值    var ctx = wx.createContext();    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {      // 保存当前状态      ctx.save();      // 开始一条新路径      ctx.beginPath();      // 位移到圆心,下面需要围绕圆心旋转      ctx.translate(150, 150);      // 从(0, 0)坐标开始定义一条新的子路径      ctx.moveTo(0, 0);      // 旋转弧度,需将角度转换为弧度,使用 degrees * Math.PI/180 公式进行计算。      ctx.rotate((360 / len * i - rotateDeg) * Math.PI/180);      // 绘制圆弧      ctx.arc(0, 0, 150, 0,  2 * Math.PI / len, false);      // 颜色间隔      if (i % 2 == 0) {          ctx.setFillStyle('rgba(255,184,32,.1)');      }else{          ctx.setFillStyle('rgba(255,203,63,.1)');      }      // 填充扇形      ctx.fill();      // 绘制边框      ctx.setLineWidth(0.5);      ctx.setStrokeStyle('rgba(228,55,14,.1)');      ctx.stroke();      // 恢复前一个状态      ctx.restore();      // 奖项列表      html.push({ turn: i * turnNum + 'turn', lineTurn: i * turnNum + turnNum / 2 + 'turn', award: awardsConfig[i].name, img: awardsConfig[i].img });          };    that.setData({        awardsList: html      });    app.globalData.moneyData = {      count: that.data.count,      money: that.data.money    }  },


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